Your search for [subject]Classification, Library of Congress returned 59 records. |
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Classification. Class P, subclasses PJ-PM : languages and literatures of Asia, Africa, Oceania, America, mixed languages, artificial languages, with supplementary pages.
Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1965.
Subject: Classification.Library of Congress; Classification--Books--Indo-Iranian philology; Classification--Books--Oriental philology; Classification--Books--Philology; United States Library of Congress.Classification Division.Classification.Class P, PJ-PM : Languages and literature of Asia, Africa, Oceania, America.
Index to the Library of Congress classification outline.
by Nitecki, Andre; Syracuse: [Syracuse University] School of Library Science, 1967.
Subject: Classification, Library of Congress; United States Library of Congress.Subject Cataloging Division.Outline of the Library of Congress classification.
Classification. Class D : Universal and old world history.
Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1916.
Subject: Classification, Library of Congress; Classification--Books--History; United States Library of Congress.Classification Division.Classification.Class D : World and Old World History.
Classification. Class D : history, general and old world.
Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1966.
Subject: Classification, Library of Congress; Classification--Books--History; United States Library of Congress.Classification Division.Classification.Class D : World and Old World History.
Analysis of vocabulary control in Library of Congress classification and subject headings.
by Immroth, John Phillip; Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1971.
Subject: United States. Library of Congress. Subject Cataloging Division. Subject headings used in the dictionary catalogs of the Library of Congress; Classification, Library of Congress; Chain indexing.
A Manual of classification for librarians and bibliographers.
by Sayers, William Charles Berwick, 1881-; London: Grafton, 1926.
Subject: Classification, Decimal; Classification, Expansive; Classification, Library of Congress; Classification--Bibliography; Classification--Books.
Experiences of libraries reclassifying from the Dewey Decimal Classification to the Library of Congress Classification scheme and their implications to Silliman University Library.
by Yso, Lorna Tumulak;
Subject: Classification, Dewey Decimal; Classification, Library of Congress; Reclassification (Libraries); Silliman University Library.
Library of Congress classification. H. Social sciences.
Washington, DC, USA: Library of Congress, 2008.
Subject: Library and information science; Classification, Library of Congress; Classification -- Books -- Social sciences.
Library of Congress classification. R. medicine.
Washington, DC, USA: Library of Congress, 2009.
Subject: Library and information science; Classification, Library of Congress; Classification -- Books -- Medicine.
Library of Congress classification, S. agriculture.
Washington, DC, USA: Library of Congress, 2008.
Subject: Classification -- Books -- Agriculture; Library and information science; Classification, Library of Congress.
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